Full color laser light 500mW-LED日光燈/投射燈/吸頂燈/崁燈燈泡/工廠用燈/閎吉精密股份有限公司LED日光燈-


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Full color laser light 500mW

TWD$ 24000

TWD$ 24000


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 Product Features

*USD$1=TWD$30 is applicable to the order delivered to
overseas destination
*Please contact: 18@diamontex.com for details.

* Edit patterns and dynamic graphics through software
* Lights of professional dynamic stage with full color animation
* Manual mode, automatic mode, voice control mod
SD card Save/Read pictures High-Frequency galvanometer scanning technology, with the effects of pattern flashing, rotation, zooming, and multiple colors. Animation performances of various beams, coupled with Stage Smog Maker, can be doubled。
Ideal for
DISCO Grand Ballroom Grand Hotel Nightclub Gymnasium and Large Performance Venue。